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Philippians 4:13, 19   I Can Do All Things through Christ


We have been examining a great Biblical principle on how God is at work building His kingdom.

We have arrived at the climax of Paul's letter to the Philippians.

God is always at work all about us. We see this in the Old Testament, in the life of Jesus, the New Testament, and Paul's life and ministry.

God is at work in our lives forming us and making us into the persons He can use. His goal is to conform us into the likeness of His Son Jesus Christ. When He has us ready He will invite us to join Him in what He is doing.

He begins with bringing you to a saving relationship with Himself. He can never use you unless you have been born again. That is the work of the Holy Spirit within you. He gives eternal life. He brings you to repentance of your sins and unbelief to faith in the saving work of Christ on the cross and His resurrection. It is His work in you. When you have been born again He lives within you. Then He begins His work of sanctification changing your life for your good and His glory.

The Holy Spirit works in your life conforming you to Christ, and equipping your to accomplish His will.

When the Holy Spirit has you to the place He wants you in a loving relationship with Himself, God invites you to come and work with Him in His eternal purpose. He cannot invite you until He has you in a right relationship with Him. Then God invites you to come and work with Him on His mission. When He invites it is always to a God-sized opportunity. It is beyond you and me. You cannot do it on your own. It is not where there is a will there is a way. That is humanism. This is God at work in and through you.

When God invites us to join Him, He shows us where He is at work, and He equips us and provides all our needs to accomplish His will.

We step out by faith and we make the adjustments in our lives, and He uses us for His glory.


In Philippians 4:19, the apostle Paul gives his testimony on God's provision. "My God will supply al your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus" (NASB 2020). 

And when you see Him do that He gets all the glory, "Now to our God and Father be the glory forever and ever, Amen" (Phil. 4:20).

He supplies and He gets all the glory.

We focus on God's great provision when we are willing to do His will. It is not me; it is Christ.

When God calls, He equips, and He provides.

We go back to the basic question in Philippians. Where is God at work? Where is God at work in Philippi? Where is God at work in Paul's prison experience in Rome?

Where is God at work in your life today?

It may be the only thing God can possibly do in your life today is bring you to a saving relationship with Him. Have you been born again?

When you are right with Him He will put you right where He wants you to serve Him.

 Am I available to God? Do I want His will to be done in my life? Will I trust Him for His provision at whatever stage in my life?

Perhaps you have been praying daily for a lost, unsaved individual. Have you have made a commitment that you will pray for that person every day, maybe for years, until he or she comes to Christ and places their trust in Him for eternal life?  

Then one day there is this clear sense in your heart that the Holy Spirit is saying to you talk to this individual. It is as if God is saying, go ahead and ask him, "What is your relationship with Jesus Christ?" Are you available to the Lord Jesus Christ?

A blind Peace Corps Volunteer came into my office one day and was interviewing me on a course I was teaching on self-esteem. I was sharing my convictions about GOD+ME= A WHOLE PERSON. I stressed the need for a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit pressed upon my heart, "Ask him, Wil." So I paused and asked, "Do you understand what I am talking about?" He said, "No. I really don't." So I asked him, "What is your relationship with Jesus Christ?" I had the privilege of taking him down the Roman Road, and he put his trust in Christ as his Savior. God used that man in a marvelous manner to bring volunteers to Christ. Others renewed their commitment to Christ because of his testimony.

Does that thought scare you to death? The Holy Spirit brings Philippians 4:13 to your mind. And He will not let it go. "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." Christ in me can do it. I can't do it, but God in me can do it. He can do all things in you and me.

Then you step out by faith trusting Him, and He uses you to His glory.

That Biblical principle is found throughout the Bible. That was God's method in the Old Testament, in the life of Jesus, and the apostles. It is the way He still works today.


The apostle Paul says, "And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus" (Phil. 4:19).

God proved faithful to the Philippians in their sacrificial giving to the ministry of Paul in Rome. Paul wrote to them and said God met all his needs through their gifts. This was a missionary prayer letter thanking the church for their ministry through him.

God owns it all.

"My God shall supply . . ." We are responsible for determining God's will and getting involved in what He is doing. But let's make sure we understand that it all belongs to God, and that He has the final word regarding our possessions. It is not mine; it all belongs to Him. That is the heart of stewardship.

"My God!" Who is able to supply? Paul was in a situation where he could not help himself. That is the whole point. He was chained to a Roman soldier 24 hours a day. God provided for Paul when Paul couldn't provide for himself. He was not a lazy ingrate. He was a professional tentmaker, but he could not work with Roman soldier chained to his leg. He knew the source of His daily supply, and he also assumed his personal responsibilities.

Note carefully, it is not just any god, because Paul did not say "a god," nor did he say "the god in whom you happen to believe." He was no referring to Greek gods or Roman gods, or New Age Movement gods. Paul was referring to Yahweh, Jehovah, the God of Israel who revealed Himself personally in the person of Jesus Christ. All other "gods" are nothing. They are idols meaning "no gods." They are nothing. They don’t exist except in the imagination of someone. 

"My God" is the God who created the all the universes. "In the beginning God created …" "My God shall supply all your needs …"

"My God" is the One who is holy and righteous. The God of Noah who destroyed a radically depraved humanity, and saved by grace one family. "My God shall provide …"

"My God" is the God who called Abraham out of idol worship, and sent him to a new land with the promise that he would be the father of a multitude, and would be a blessing to many nations.

"My God" is the God who appeared to Moses at the burning bush, and revealed Himself as the "I am who I am." He is the One who called Moses out of Egypt to deliver His people from slavery. He is the God who redeemed Israel. Paul declares, "My God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus."

"My God" is the God of Joshua who crossed over Jordan River into the promised land of Canaan. "My God" provided all the people of Israel needed to conquer the land rich with milk and honey. God conquered the depraved nations and led the way. He will do the same for you.

"My God" is the God of the sweet forgiven singer of Israel, King David, who is the type of the coming King of Kings.

"My God" is the God of Isaiah who saw Christ high and lifted up on the throne of glory, and the coming of the Suffering Servant of Yahweh in the person of Jesus Christ.

"My God" is the One who says to Jeremiah, "Call unto Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know" (Jeremiah 33:3).

"My God" says the prophet Zechariah who declared, "Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord of Hosts" (Zechariah 4:6).

"My God" is the One who raised His Son Jesus Christ from the dead, and is my glorious Savior.

"My God" met the rabbi Saul on the Road to Damascus and asked him, "Who are you persecuting?" Paul's response, "Who are your Lord?" That man was changed forever, and greatly blesses us to this day.

"My God" sits upon His throne and stands behind all His promises to His people in all ages.

"My God" says, "Come unto Me and I will give you rest."

He says to you and me, only I can do it, and I will do it through you if you will let Me.

"My God" says to me and you: "I can do all things through Him (Christ) who strengthens me."

The value of a promise depends entirely upon the person making the promise. "My God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus." "My God" will never let you down when you are doing His will. Are you available to Him in all His availability?

James Boice asked, "Is He your God? If He is not your God, if you have never come to Him through faith in Jesus Christ, the promises of God's care in the Bible are not for you. One the other hand, if you do believe in Him and wish to obey Him, you will find Him strong in your need. You will find Him entirely and consistently faithful" (Philippians, p. 258).

Our responsibility is to determine God's will and get involved. Find out places where you can help people, and give yourself away. God in Christ He will show you what He is doing, and He will give you the strength you need to meet the challenge.


"I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me" (Phil. 4:13).

When God invites you to come and join Him in what He is doing, He provides you with the resources and spiritual strength to do His will.

Are you saying to yourself, "I can't do that"?

You make yourself available and respond to God's will, and He will strengthen you to do that which is impossible in your own person.

I sensed the need to call a fellow pastor a couple nights ago. We talked for about an hour. I spent most of my time just listening. Toward the end of the conversation he said, "I know why you called me, Wil. The Lord placed us on your heart. He sent you to us tonight at a time when we are down, and we need the assurance that He gives through a friend who responds to His leading."

Who is the Lord placing on your heart today? Is there someone whom the Lord is leading you to minister to them in their need today? Are you available to Him to minister to that person? You don’t feel you have the ability, but the Holy Spirit is probing you.  There is the sense of His presence, leading you, and you cannot get away from the responsibility. He keeps pressing on your heart, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Therefore, you know you can minister to this individual in Christ.

In the spring of 1985, Ann and I made a difficult decision regarding the direction of our ministry. I had been down on my knees beside the couch that morning praying with a deep sense of God's presence and assurance. It was one of those situations in which only He could open the doors and provide. That night around 9:30 we got a long distance call from fellow missionaries, Herb and Faye Kinard. They were both on the phone and when I answered the call they said, "We just really felt impressed of God to call you. We don't know what is happening in your life. We wanted to let you know were praying. . ." 

God has His chosen people to minister to your needs.  

You do not psychic yourself up to serve Christ. You make yourself available to Him to do in and through you as He leads and provides.

Christ says I can do all things through you.

A. W. Tozer wrote: "Anything God has ever done He can do now. Anything He has ever done anywhere, He can do here! Anything God has ever done for anyone He can do for us." 

Do your stand in the need of salvation? God will supply salvation.

Do you need strength for life's trials? God will supply the strength you need today. If you have been recently widowed and unbelievably lonely, God can meet you and comfort you in your loneliness. If you are discouraged, He can lift you up. God does not leave any need out. "God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus."

Do you hear someone asking about our church? God is at work in that person's heart. Listen to that person. Then share the marvelous love and grace of God in Christ Jesus. Begin with John 3:16 and go down the Roman Road. Share the biblical plan of salvation. God saves. He will use you to share that gospel message.

Do you hear someone struggling with sin? Encourage them to confess it to God, and help them to claim the promise of cleansing and forgiveness in 1 John 1:6-10. God forgives sins.

Do you hear someone hungering for fellowship with God? Point them to Jesus Christ who is the Bread of Life and the Living Water. God has put that hunger in the heart. Augustine eloquently said, "You have made us for Yourself, and our hearts are restless until they find rest in You." Is God ready to use you to minister to that person?

Do you see someone struggling with temptations? Point them to the power to overcome temptation through the indwelling Christ. You have been there; God can use you.

The apostle Paul could say, "I saw God do it!" And we can too.

Lord, what is Your will in my life? Lord, I want to be used of God.

You never exhaust the infinite, inexhaustible riches of God in Christ. Never.

F. B. Meyer said, "We never test the resources of God until we attempt the impossible."  

William Carey saw a lost world of humanity dying and going to an eternal hell and declared: "We must do something! Expect great things from God! Attempt great things for God!"

God provided the Philippians with the greatest need of all—"the ability to face all circumstances through the one who gives them strength (Phil. 4:13)" (Thielman).

God will help you find out where He is at work if you will ask Him. And He will meet all your needs just as he did in Paul's and the Philippians. He will do it for you and me.

In what area do you need to trust Christ today? Go ahead and ask Him. God is fully able and fully willing to meet whatever needs surround the believer today.

"My God shall supply . . ." Indeed, He has in Christ. I need no one else.


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    Message by Wil Pounds (c) 2021. Anyone is free to use this material and distribute it, but it may not be sold under any circumstances whatsoever without the author's written consent.

    Unless otherwise noted "Scripture quotations taken from the NASB." "Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, © Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation Used by permission." (


    Wil is a graduate of William Carey University, B. A.; New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, Th. M.; and Azusa Pacific University, M. A. He has pastored in Panama, Ecuador and the U. S, and served for over 20 years as missionary in Ecuador and Honduras. He had a daily expository Bible teaching ministry heard in over 100 countries from 1972 until 2005, and a weekly radio program until 2016. He continues to seek opportunities to be personally involved in world missions. Wil and his wife Ann have three grown daughters. He currently serves as a Baptist missionary, and teaches seminary extension courses and Evangelism in Depth conferences in Honduras, Nicaragua, Peru, India and Ecuador. Wil also serves as the International Coordinator and visiting professor of Bible and Theology at Peniel Theological Seminary in Riobamba, Ecuador.